Women in STEM Indonesia Index (WISIDEX)
An analysis of quantitative data was drawn upon to develop a ‘Women in STEM Indonesia Index’ (WISIDEX) designed to rank the achievements of different institutions against a range of gender equality performance criteria. We used publicly available secondary data to inform WISIDEX, including: the proportion of female STEM faculty, the proportion of female STEM full professors, data on grants awarded to female STEM academics, and SINTA and publication scores. Given the size of the Indonesian HE sector, it was not possible to include all HE institutions in the index. Rather, we focused on ensuring a balance between researchers based in Java and elsewhere in Indonesia.
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)
The qualitative research involved in-person and online focus groups that consisted of female STEM researchers at various career stages, pursuing their careers at a range of different institutions and in different STEM sub-fields. Focus group discussions (approximately 5 participants per group) were led by project research assistants and focused on issues such as institutional support for female academics, gender stereotypes and norms, work-life balance, and how other contextual factors (economic status, religion, ethnicity) impacted career development and the ability to generate research funding. Women ‘success stories’ were identified from the focus group discussions and were approached to feature on the project website.