Team Members

Juanita Elias

Juanita Elias is Professor of International Political Economy in the Department of Politics & International Studies at the University of Warwick, UK. She brings to this project her expertise on gender and employment and Southeast Asian competitiveness policies. She has published her research widely including in highly ranked international academic journals. Her most recent book publications are  I-PEEL: International Political Economy of Everyday Life co-authored with James Brassett, Lena Rethel and Ben Richardson (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Gender Politics and the Pursuit of Competitiveness in Malaysia (Routledge 2020). She has held research grants from the British Council, Innovate UK and the Australian Research Council. At Warwick University she has served as her department’s Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).


Lena Rethel

Lena Rethel is a Professor of International Political Economy in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick, UK. Her research focuses on the intersection of finance and development. Lena’s recent books are The International Political Economy of Everyday Life (co-authored, Oxford University Press, 2022) and The Political Economy of Financial Development in Malaysia (Routledge, 2021). From 2020-2022, Lena was the lead editor of the Review of International Political Economy. Lena has previously held positions as a Fung Global Fellow at Princeton University (2016-2017) and as a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (2017-2018). Lena is a past participant of the DIKTI World Class Professor Program. Her work on Islamic economies was supported by a research fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust. Lena was recently awarded a UKRI Frontier Research Grant (ERC Consolidator Conversion) for her next project on “The Politics of Financial Citizenship (FinDem)”. It is informed by the overarching research question of how middle-class expectations shape financial policy and politics in emerging market democracies.


Ella S. Prihatini

Ella Syafputri Prihatini is a non‐resident fellow at the Institut Pemikiran Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Her research focuses on women’s political representation, digital media, and comparative politics in Asia. Her work has been published in Politics and Gender, Contemporary Politics, Parliamentary Affairs, and others. She has contributed book chapters on substantive representation in Asian parliaments (Routledge) and the progress of women’s political representation in Indonesia (ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute).

Ella graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada (bachelor’s in international relations in 2004), the University of Queensland (master’s in development practice in 2010), and the University of Western Australia (Ph.D. in political science and international relations in 2019). Her master’s degree was funded by the Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), and she was an Endeavour scholar during her doctoral program. Ella was named one of Australia’s Top 40 Researchers in a special ‘Stars of Research’ report published by The Australian in September 2019. 

Diahhadi Setyonaluri

Diahhadi Setyonaluri.  The Gender in Economics and Social Inclusion research group is dedicated to the in-depth exploration of gender-related issues in economics and social inclusion. We use an interdisciplinary approach to comprehensively investigate the complex dimensions of gender inequality and its intersectionality. Our research covers a wide spectrum of topics, from examining the factors driving gender inequality in the labor market, analyzing the influence of social norms, addressing the critical issue of violence against women, to advocating for the perspectives and rights of marginalized groups, including people with disabilities, the elderly , and minorities in various aspects of development.
